Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Laugh with the Gifts

Frozen earth this morning
Foggy blanket covers our valley
Deep maroon dock seeds remind me of inner bounty.
Amber leaves lead me to the goat barn
Chickweed laughs with the cold and wet, so happy, so content.
I will take her lead
I will be thankful for this day
And laugh with the gifts I am receiving

A shamanic exercise to connect with the gifts this day offers:
  • Walk outside near where you live

  • Find a plant that is thriving in your surroundings

  • Sit or stand near this plant

  • Notice your breath and breathe a few natural breaths in and out

  • Now shift your perseption and take 7 more breaths, breathing in the breath of this plant and breathing out, offering your breath to the plant.

  • Notice how this plant is growing, everything about it. How it comes up out of the earth, what colors are present and imagine its root below the ground.

  • Now for just a few minutes, imagine you are this plant, thriving here in the energy of the earth right now.

  • What is your breath like? What do you feel? What thoughts come to mind? What sensations? as you embody this plant...

  • When this is complete, give thanks for the plant and this day.

~Julie Charette Nunn

Friday, November 14, 2008

Mara of the Apple Tree Garden

Mara promised to post soon. Her harp photo is courtesy of an amazing photographer, Mary Jakubiak, resident caretaker of Whidbey Institute's Chinook Center. The image of russet grape leaves at the gate is by Ann Johnson.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Whidbey maple leaves--Kate Poss

This simple collage reflects the light we so need as we approach our darkest days. With gray skies and drizzle plentiful now in this autumn season, it lifts our spirits to walk through the woods and see the bright reds, yellows, purples and golds among the dark evergreen.

Collage by Kate Poss. Digital image by Ann Johnson.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Prose from the Cosmos - Shirley Jantz

November 4, 2008

Clear, starry night
follows Moonlight through the fog
radiantly revealing what's to come

Obama reaches out with humility
lifting America,
with those that dream a new destiny

May we answer the call
and once again be proud
of what this country stands for

Facing challenges creatively,
seeking peace and innovation in these times ~
So this Earth and the hopes
of our children have a chance

Coming together
across red and blue,
Black and White,
It is Time

~ Shirley

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Our Local Home, Our Planetary Home

Digital image by Ann Johnson
Just returned from a gathering with David Spangler who spoke about the spirit of home and Obama's election. Penelope Bourk ( surrounded Thomas Berry Hall with her wood-and-weaving sculpture series about the Odyssey and Homecoming. Her reflections deepened the experience of each piece by extending a prompt for reflection to the viewer.
David challenged us to think of making pilgrimage around our home with intention of attending to all details that nurtured us there. Looking with new eyes and heart in a mythic way, I began to write of my homecoming tonight to a small place extended to me that has become a very temporary home. I had to leave the cottage that was my home, studio, and nurturing work space for others.
David spoke of the longing for belonging, for being at home right where we are. How do we ground ourselves and dig in to the place right here? He also spoke of being open hearted and extending hospitality......even in relationship to those with whom we disagree, with those who voted for the other side, with those who experience the world differently. We are commissioned to be loving and inclusive. To be continued.....

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Samhain, Dia de los Muertos, All Saints/All Souls

Digital images by Ann Johnson

We enter the season of fruitful darkness. It is time to rekindle the light inside and to recognize it in ourselves and honor it in Others.