Sunday, October 25, 2009

From Shirley Jantz -

Digital Image, Moon Over Saratoga Passage, by Ann Johnson

Awakened by Poetry

Full moon stirrings
nudge this creative mind

Images from day, dancing across flannel,
resting on feather pillow

Let me sleep, I beg
but the words keep arising

One poem, then another
A muse beneath the sheets
tickling my fancy with phrases

Who can resist these writer’s temptations?
A Lover knows not how
heart acquiescent, eyes softly open

Hand dreamily reaches for an instrument

Shirley Jantz
October 2009


Ode to Autumn

Agh! look out below!
Walnuts being whirled from telephone wires
by determined Crows cracking shells upon pavement,
chasing tasty morsels downhill, as if for entertainment

Up! hands sheltering head ~
Robins every which way in a feeding frenzie
Discovering succulent tall tree berries
I wonder, should there be more caution
when flying while intoxicated?

Oh dear, deer and more deer
reaching for Gravensteins
while regal Stellar Jay repeatedly buries peanuts
where potatoes once lay,
soon to be undone by squirrels who become acrobatic
in a game of nut chase

Turning gaze from the festivities outside
to find one last large zucchini ~ waiting
“Later,” I say, with a sigh of satisfaction, a grin of gratitude
wide across my face, having recently completed
apple custard, crumble, sauce & slices
After all, these too, are a few of my favorite things

What a sight, we creatures of nature,
me in my apron, they in their glory
harvesting this bodacious bounty
Delighted in merriment, savoring the feast ~
soon to be settling in for a long winters snack

Shirley Jantz
October 2009