Friday, April 10, 2009

Seeds of an Open Heart

Digital Images by Ann Johnson

On the way back to my sister's, I distributed the Nasturtium seeds in the dirt between sprouting grass, dandelions, a crushed Marlboro flip-box, an empty prescription bottle, wadded up McDonald's hamburger paper, and a stomped-on Mt. Dew bottle. It will be interesting to see if any of the "guerrilla greening" will sprout. Nasturtiums thrive on neglect and flower more profusely in poor soil........and are edible! I'm all for edible lovelies.

I also found a noon performance by a string quartet doing Hadyn's The Last Seven Words of Christ within walking distance. On the way and back, the songs of robins, cardinals and mourning doves kept me company.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Breathe with the Tides

Video and Poem, Humble Flow, by Ann Johnson

Humble Flow

She used to speak with THAT TONE
and the raw sense of self-assured knowing
until the Universe humbled her
and she accepted the offer.

[Note: begin soundtrack for the transformation –
Arvo Part’s Spiegel im Spiegel (Mirror in Mirror)]

And now she watches energy flow
through a lens of contemplation.
The lens of amusement became self-righteous and cynical
and was discarded.

So, take the invitation to walk with her,
to breathe in and breathe out,
to step between the tides.

See how bids are made
for the wave to crest
at one shore or another.

How some keep the harbor free-flowing
and others begin to erect a dam
while standing on the pier shouting,
fist to the heavens.

How even others wander the pebble beach, chanting,
dip their toes in the waves,
then move out into the current, past their knees, immersed
to the level of their open arms and hearts.